Last month in Xpressway we talked all about Honor.
"Letting others know you see how valuable they really are".
It was a great month learning all about the life of David...from a shepherd boy to a King.
Romans 12:10 says: "Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves." NIrV
"Letting others know you see how valuable they really are".
It was a great month learning all about the life of David...from a shepherd boy to a King.
Romans 12:10 says: "Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves." NIrV
To love each other deeply means putting aside your needs and wants and desires and putting others first! Jesus tells us to honor others MORE than ourselves for a reason....because we, by nature, love ourselves!
WEEK 1: We talked with the kids about how they could first honor people with their saying - "I love you" or "You can go ahead of me in line".
WEEK 1: We talked with the kids about how they could first honor people with their saying - "I love you" or "You can go ahead of me in line".
WEEK 2: We talked about honoring our cleaning our rooms without being told, taking our dishes to the sink, doing our homework before being asked... (you're welcome!)
WEEK 3: We discussed honoring our friends or those around us. This could mean asking the kid who sits alone to join you for lunch...Picking the slow kid for your dodge ball team FIRST, including a girl who is a little strange in your slumber party plans.
WEEK 4: We talked about honoring God. This can be done by reading our Bibles, being faithful to church, singing praises to Him, praying and thanking Him for who He is, and by living out Godly values in our everyday lives!
What a great month! We had so much fun with this theme and virtue! Check out Jon Sawhook (aka: Goliath) and our story teller Derek Smith! :)