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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

For the month of October we challenged the kids in Xpressway to collect supplies and bring them in so that we could assemble them as a service project for our small groups. Typically we run about 25-30 kids each week - so our goal was 75 boxes. I thought this was aiming high - but it's a cause I genuinely believe in! Operation Christmas Child distributes boxes all over the world to children who might not otherwise receive a Christmas Present. Things like hygiene items, small toys and hard candy are examples of some of the things brought in. It was such a great day at the Drive-In! We piled and sorted all of the supplies that our church family collected - and then each child had the opportunity to assemble 2-3 boxes. It was such a neat thing to see the kids carefully picking out toys that they would love, or candy that was their favorite to put into these boxes for other kids. They had so much fun doing it as well! I'm happy to report that we not only met our goal - but exceeded it by assembling 85 boxes! That's 85 kids that will have a Merrier Christmas because of their service! WAY TO GO KIDS!

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